interviews - wotm interview

I'm a Demon Writer!!
WOTM Interview
By Kerri (icklekezzy)

I caught up with Hannah (xxxladyvixenxxx) as one of the missing-month WOTM...

1. So, how did it feel to be nominated for WOTM?
To be honest... I didn't actually know I'd been nominated! I just went to the guild one day and found that I was now a Wyatt lol! I was like... huh?

2. How did you feel when you actually won?
Like I said above, I didn't know I'd been nominated so I wasn't really expecting it! At first I was bit a confused but then I saw a post that was like:
'Congratz to (insert peoples names here) on becomming the past (insert past number of months here) months WOTM's!

3. Were you surprised?
Yep =P

4. Do you like the guild?
Not at all... *shifts eyes* Of course I do!!! =D *squidges the guild* Would have left by now if I didn't... infact... I think the guild likes me, otherwise I think the guild would have left me lol!

5. What was it like when you first joined?
Scary =P I didn't know anyone and it was like ah! All these big people and I'm so... ickle =P I joined hmmm about a year and a half ago?

6. What do you think about what Kat has done with it?
I like it =) Although I think it'll be better now that Panini, Pie and Ceara have a joint leadership with it as things can now be done when they need to be done and not have to wait for permission =) Good luck to them!

7. What are your hobbies?
Bouncing and just being generally nutty =D

8. What are your favourite t.v programmes? Apart from Charmed of course. :P
Will & Grace =D But other than that I don't really watch Tele. I don't even get a chance to watch Charmed that often! I now am just relying on the box sets! Thank god I have a job so I get paid so I can buy them lol!

9. What is/are your favourite animal(s)?
Moose/Badger =P They're so cool!

10. What are your plans for the future? Jobwise.
Something musical =) Hoping to go to uni to do music technology and learn how to work in recording studios and stuff =D So maybe work for a big record label or join a radio station and work there!

Thanks for answering my questions and well done for being WOTM.