Online colors are often a combination of 6 digits with a '#' at their begining, that signifies each and every different color.
For example, the basic color for white is #FFFFFF and for black its #000000.
There are many color tables you can use that offer possible color codes you may want to use,
I recommend the one created by Lissa Explains.
Also, if you have PS (or PSP) you can use the color picker to create your own color to suit whatever style you wish.
In Photoshop 7.0, choose the Eyedropper Tool (just above the magnifing glass) and then click the color square.
Now (if you have a picture open), hover your mouse over it and click on the certain color you would to copy -
the code for it should show just after the '#', at the bottom of the Color Picker window.
Of course, you can always use the regular color names if you find this method confusing,
just make sure you have the correct spelling for some, or it would show up differently than you've imagined
(for example, gray and lightgrey - notice the 'a' and 'e' switch).
Having trouble finding the right color for your font? Here are a few availble text codes you could use in adition to the regular
(dark/light) blue/yellow/ red/etc'... ones (know any more that aren't on the list? contact us and we'll add them right in)
silver gold |
navy slate blue medium purple sky blue cyan aqua |
maroon fire brick salmon sienna chocolate peru tan wheat beige papayawhip |
violet hot pink rosybrown plum thistle lavender |
olive sea green teal avocado |
Also, here is a color-code table provided by Lissa Explains It All
#FFFFFF | #FFFFCC | #FFFF99 | #FFFF66 | #FFFF33 | #FFFF00 |
#CCFFFF | #CCFFCC | #CCFF99 | #CCFF66 | #CCFF33 | #CCFF00 |
#99FFFF | #99FFCC | #99FF99 | #99FF66 | #99FF33 | #99FF00 |
#66FFFF | #66FFCC | #66FF99 | #66FF66 | #66FF33 | #66FF00 |
#33FFFF | #33FFCC | #33FF99 | #33FF66 | #33FF33 | #33FF00 |
#00FFFF | #00FFCC | #00FF99 | #00FF66 | #00FF33 | #00FF00 |
#FFCCFF | #FFCCCC | #FFCC99 | #FFCC66 | #FFCC33 | #FFCC00 |
#CCCCFF | #CCCCCC | #CCCC99 | #CCCC66 | #CCCC33 | #CCCC00 |
#99CCFF | #99CCCC | #99CC99 | #99CC66 | #99CC33 | #99CC00 |
#66CCFF | #66CCCC | #66CC99 | #66CC66 | #66CC33 | #66CC00 |
#33CCFF | #33CCCC | #33CC99 | #33CC66 | #33CC33 | #33CC00 |
#00CCFF | #00CCCC | #00CC99 | #00CC66 | #00CC33 | #00CC00 |
#FF99FF | #FF99CC | #FF9999 | #FF9966 | #FF9933 | #FF9900 |
#CC99FF | #CC99CC | #CC9999 | #CC9966 | #CC9933 | #CC9900 |
#9999FF | #9999CC | #999999 | #999966 | #999933 | #999900 |
#6699FF | #6699CC | #669999 | #669966 | #669933 | #669900 |
#3399FF | #3399CC | #339999 | #339966 | #339933 | #339900 |
#0099FF | #0099CC | #009999 | #009966 | #009933 | #009900 |
#FF66FF | #FF66CC | #FF6699 | #FF6666 | #FF6633 | #FF6600 |
#CC66FF | #CC66CC | #CC6699 | #CC6666 | #CC6633 | #CC6600 |
#9966FF | #9966CC | #996699 | #996666 | #996633 | #996600 |
#6666FF | #6666CC | #666699 | #666666 | #666633 | #666600 |
#3366FF | #3366CC | #336699 | #336666 | #336633 | #336600 |
#0066FF | #0066CC | #006699 | #006666 | #006633 | #006600 |
#FF33FF | #FF33CC | #FF3399 | #FF3366 | #FF3333 | #FF3300 |
#CC33FF | #CC33CC | #CC3399 | #CC3366 | #CC3333 | #CC3300 |
#9933FF | #9933CC | #993399 | #993366 | #993333 | #993300 |
#6633FF | #6633CC | #663399 | #663366 | #663333 | #663300 |
#3333FF | #3333CC | #333399 | #333366 | #333333 | #333300 |
#0033FF | #0033CC | #003399 | #003366 | #003333 | #003300 |
#FF00FF | #FF00CC | #FF0099 | #FF0066 | #FF0033 | #FF0000 |
#CC00FF | #CC00CC | #CC0099 | #CC0066 | #CC0033 | #CC0000 |
#9900FF | #9900CC | #990099 | #990066 | #990033 | #990000 |
#6600FF | #6600CC | #660099 | #660066 | #660033 | #660000 |
#3300FF | #3300CC | #330099 | #330066 | #330033 | #330000 |
#0000FF | #0000CC | #000099 | #000066 | #000033 | #000000 |